Impregnation of PLA porous matrices with inclusion bodies for their use as scaffolds in Tissue Engineering

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Regenerative medicine integrates different biomedical approaches to restore normal function in damaged tissues using a combination of cell/molecular biology and materials engineering. One of the most promising alternatives is to design a biodegradable and porous scaffold decorated with inductive factors that promote cell colonization and proliferation. In this context, an appropriate processing of the polymer is required in order to obtain a scaffold that acts as a support for tissue growth.
In this work is developed a new route for the preparation of porous matrices with appropriate physico-chemical and biological properties using supercritical fluid technology. In special, we investigate the PLA polymer to obtain 3D porous scaffolds and its decoration with bacterial inclusion bodies. IB’s have been revealed as adhesive, mechanically and biocompatible protein materials that can be used to favour cell colonization and proliferation when used to decorated flat surfaces.
The synthesis of new matrices with improved properties concerning porosity, interconnectivity and mechanical properties has been possible using supercritical fluid technology for the processing of PLA. In addition, the decoration of PLA porous scaffolds with bacterial inclusion bodies promotes cell adhesion and colonization. Inclusion bodies do not result toxic to the cells and contrarily improve cell proliferation on the surface. The hybrid polymeric-IB’s porous matrices obtained for the first time is this work are promising platforms to be used in bone tissue engineering.
MatèriesPolymers, Tissue engineering, Tissue -- Scaffolds, Polímers, Enginyeria de teixits, Teixits -- Bastides
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