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Euclid detections and science challenge 3


Gracia,  J.
Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society;


Mohr,  J.
Optical and Interpretative Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Kümmel, M., Merlin, E., Fontana, A., Dole, H., Boucaud, A., Cabanac, R., et al. (2019). Euclid detections and science challenge 3.

The Euclid satellite is an ESA mission scheduled for launch in 2020. Its Wide Survey will cover an area of 15,000 deg2 with the two instruments, the Visible Imaging Channel (VIS) and the Near IR Spectrometer and imaging Photometer (NISP). Ground based imaging data in griz from large surveys (DES, KiDS, JPASS, LSST) complement the Euclid data to enable photo-z determination. Generating the multi-wavelength catalog from Euclid data with the expected 109 objects is a central part of the entire Euclid data reduction pipeline implemented by the Science Ground Segment. In order to find the best strategies and concepts for object detection we have set up a simulation pipeline to generate Euclid images with the expected depths and resolution. We present the results of applying different detections to the simulated data and discuss their advantages. We describe the entire pipeline for detection and photometry, which is currently being implemented for the Euclid Science Challenge 3 (SC3).