Análisis de datos enfocado al riesgo
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In the business world, exist a great concern for the control of the activities and the management of the risks that the daily operation can suppose. If this global context is added to the current situation, there is a need to have its operations controlled, risks, avoiding fraud, and adapting it to some necessary regulations. The current technological market allows us to manage a large amount of data and facilitate its subsequent analysis to improve decision making visually and faster than in the traditional way as it has been doing the last years. This project is a contribution to this clear trend, through the analysis of risk management. This project has been proposed with a double objective: On the one hand, a more theoretical analysis is proposed in the area of risk management, where we will analyze all the elements that the element that intervene in the entire management process at the executive level. On the other hand, a proof of concept is proposed starting from the concept of segregation of duties (one of the most committed controls when analyzing internal control) in order to perform an analysis of a specific case. An analysis of the complete purchasing cycle in a customer's SAP system will be performed, based on the extraction of their data and by using a business intelligence tool selected, based on a previous benchmarking where all the possibilities are valued.
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