Challenge 4: Intelligent robotics
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Data publicació2021
EditorConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
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Intelligent robotics are called to be the next revolution by providing AI with the capability of interacting with the physical world. Robots are overpassing their cages in the industry to become intelligent machines that can live among us, helping in the service sector, as tools in rehabilitation and assistive tasks, and also as companions.
Robotics poses especial problems and AI research must be reshaped and redefined to meet robotics special needs in areas like perception and scene understanding, decision making and learning, and actuation. Besides these classical robotics areas, modern robots need to take into account the central role of human-robot interaction : unstructured environments, unforeseen situations, user preferences, and safety.
The challenges to frame this revolution are multiple. We highlight the seven where we identify CSIC has a strategic advantage and thus can cause a better impact. Modern robotics implies robots in human environments, what we called here robots for everyone : easy reprogramming and continuous learning. Deployment can include big-scale mobile robots and cars for autonomous navigation for cities, or small-scale robots for intelligent manipulation for new applications, possibly making use of effective and adaptive coordination of robot fleets. Robots in human environments require safe and ethical human-robot interaction, that can take advantage of seamless cooperative and everywhere localization solutions and dexterity and efficiency through bio-inspired and parallel mechanisms.
Advances on intelligent robotics will have a great impact on science, industry, and society in general. Robots have the potential to change people’s lifestyle and thus, require special attention from rule bodies and policymakers. However, robotics is highly experimental and requires special efforts in physically building the prototypes. To make this possible, we believe a new joint lab or infrastructure must be established to facilitate research and testing, foster collaboration and involve industry and policy-makers.
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CitacióAlenyà, G. [et al.]. Challenge 4: Intelligent robotics. A: "Artificial intelligence, robotics & data science". Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2021, p. 81-99.
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