Servo drives implementation for robot's motor control
Tutor / directorCaballero Flores, David
Tipus de documentProjecte Final de Màster Oficial
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This project explores the enhancement of motor controllers in the mobile robots developed by the CDEI, simplifying the control system by reducing the number of elements and, consequently, the weight, while improving the robots’ overall efficiency. To achieve this, the study evaluates the implementation and use of Ingenia EtherCAT servo drives, specifically the EVSNET-E and EVE-XCR-E models. There are two primary objectives for the project: first, to validate the proper functioning of a printed circuit board (PCB) that integrates the EVS-NET-E drive, ensuring it enables real-time control of a brushless motor; and second, to develop a control program for installing this device in the robots. Additionally, the project establishes a methodology for integrating these drives into robots, including configuration guidelines and programming examples. To validate the PCB, the MotionLab3 software was employed, allowing the configuration of the attached drive. During this process, the various functionalities of the drive and its associated circuits were analyzed, making the necessary modifications. For the design of the control program, the fucntions of the Python Ingeniamotion library were used. The development of the code followed an iterative approach to ensure proper functionality at all stages. The control program was written in Python and subsequently implemented in ROS. Validation of the code was carried out through tests with the actual motor and simulations of the robot’s movement. The analysis of the PCB revealed that while some components, such as communication and feedback circuits, were successfully verified, achieving a fully functional board requires a more detailed analysis to identify and address the causes of motor control issues. The design of the control program resulted in the creation of a final modular and versatile control program that allows for easy modifications and is compatible with any of the Ingenia controllers. Additionally, example codes were created to demonstrate the various functionalities of the drives. Therefore, despite some challenges encountered during the PCB analysis, the project demonstrated the feasibility of integrating Ingenia EtherCAT drives into the robots, obtaining the benefits that this involves, such as improved performance and reduced overall programming complexity.
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