Recherches expérimentales sur la relation qui existe entre la résistance de l'air et sa température. Conséquences physiques et philosophiques qui découlent de ces expériences.
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s) : Hirn, Gustave-Adolphe
Type of the represented object : Article
Author(s), creator(s), collaborator(s): | Hirn, Gustave-Adolphe (1815-1890) (author) |
Editor: | F. Hayez |
Place of creation of the original object: | Bruxelles (Belgique) |
First publication of the original object: | 1882 19th century Contemporary time (1789-20..) |
Original object location: | Réseau des Bibliothèques |
Identifier(s): | P1218C (cote ULiège) |
Original object language: | French |
Material, support of the original object: | Papier |
Physical description of the represented object : | 100 pages |
CREF classification(s): | Physique |
Classification(s): | Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences => Physics |
Original object linked resource: | Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Tome XLIII (1882). |
Part of: | Public domain |
Permalink: | |
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