UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The role of the micronutrient elements in the growth and chemical composition of the tomato Jokanovich, John


An experiment involving the use of the Vetomold variety of tomato plants was conducted in a greenhouse to determine, what effect the absence of minor elements and different combinations of minor elements, would have on the growth, and chemical composition of the tomato. It was found that the presence or absence of minor elements had a significant effect on the following physical, and chemical determinations: growth rate, yield, top weight, sugar content, titratable acidity, nitrogen level, phosphorus level, potassium and calcium level of the plant tissues; iron content, total phosphorus, and potassium content of the tomatoes. It was also shown that the absence, and different combinations of minor elements, had a marked effect on the tissue structure of the leaves.

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