Developing a certification framework to manufacture patient-specific implants using selective laser melting

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Additive Manufacturing (AM) has proven to be an attractive alternative manufacturing process compared to Subtractive Manufacturing (SM) with many advantages, such as mass customisation, less material wastage and others, as listed in this dissertation. However, AM of certified implants does not have the same degree of documentation and standardisation as the SM process. As part of this research project, the problem statement stated that “in offering AM as an implant manufacturing solution, the complete process (design, manufacturing and post processing) had to be investigated in order to develop a certified manufacturing solution”. Objective 1 addressed the risk identification and ways to mitigate these risks through developing procedures, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and supporting documents. This can be seen as the technical certification of this certified manufacturing solution. In this project, a total of 68 risks were identified in the following areas: design, machine setup, powder handling, SLM process, part removal, density checks, heat treatment, non-destructive testing, destructive testing, surface finishing and coating, cleaning, sterilisation and packaging. The action plan was to mitigate these risks by developing procedures, SOPs, supporting documents and where needed, full machine and process validation. Objective 2 focussed on developing an integrated documentation framework, keeping traceability and repeatability in mind. Nineteen procedures, thirty-four SOPs, five supportive protocols, three machine validations and five process validations were identified and developed. Process and machine validations were developed that form part of the quality certification process and evaluated the consistency of the technical certification to prove repeatability and traceability of the products manufactured. Objective 3 focussed on identifying shortcomings in the framework and an in-depth analysis on ways to rectify these problems though continual improvement. Throughout this dissertation it was important not only to address some areas of concern but to explain the methodology behind risk mitigation, procedure and SOP development and validation and how these individual areas link to each other. The ISO 13485:2016 system is based on continual improvement principles which would mean that where new risks arise, the process of addressing these risks will be fast-tracked through this framework development. An initial process risk assessment was done before the framework development and after the framework development and it showed a significant reduction in the risk index. Four software, three hardware, two insourced process developments and one quality management system recommendations were compiled and four further research projects were identified as continual improvement.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Laagvervaardiging (LV) is as sinvolle alternatiewe vervaardigingsproses in vergelyking met konvensionele-vervaardiging (KV) bewys, asook dat dit baie voordele, soos bv. massa-aanpassing, minder materiaal vermorsing en ander, soos in hierdie proefskrif gelys word, bied. LV van gesertifiseerde inplantate beskik egter nie oor dieselfde mate van dokumentasie en standaardisering as die KV-proses nie. As deel van hierdie navorsingsprojek het die probleemstelling verklaar dat "in die aanbied van LV as 'n inplantaat-vervaardigingsoplossing, die volledige proses (ontwerp, vervaardiging en na-vervaardigingsverwerking) ondersoek moes word om 'n gesertifiseerde vervaardigingsoplossing te ontwikkel." Doelstelling 1 het die risiko-identifikasie aangespreek en wyses waarop sodanige risiko's deur die ontwikkeling van prosedures, standaard bedryfsprosedures (SBP's) en ondersteunende dokumente versag kan word. Dit kan as die tegniese sertifisering van hierdie gesertifiseerde vervaardigingsoplossingbeskou word. In dié projek is 'n totaal van 68 risiko's op die volgende gebiede geïdentifiseer: ontwerp, masjienopstelling, poeierhantering, Selektiewe Laser Smelt-proses (SLS), onderdeelverwydering, digtheidstoetse, hittebehandeling, nie-vernietigende toetsing, vernietigende toetsing, oppervlakafwerking en deklaagtoediening, skoonmaak, sterilisasie en verpakking. Die aksieplan was om hierdie risiko's deur prosedures soos b.v. SOPs aan te spreek, ondersteunende dokumente te ontwikkel en waar nodig, volle masjien- en proses validasie te doen. Doelstelling 2 het op die ontwikkeling van 'n geïntegreerde dokumentasie-raamwerk wat naspeurbaarheid en herhaalbaarheid in berekening bring, gefokus. Negentien prosedures, vier-en-dertig SOP's, vyf ondersteunende protokolle, drie masjien-validasies en vyf proses-validasies is geïdentifiseer en ontwikkel. Proses- en masjienvalidasies wat deel van die gehalte- sertifiseringsproses en die konsekwentheid van die tegniese sertifisering vorm, is ontwikkel en geëvalueer ten einde herhaalbaarheid en naspeurbaarheid van die vervaardigde produkte te bewys, Doelstelling 3 het op die identifisering van tekortkominge in die raamwerk gefokus en 'n diepgaande analise oor werkswyses waarmee probleme deur voortdurende stelselverbetering gekorrigeer kan word, is gedoen. Gedurende die proefskrif was dit belangrik om nie net sekere kommerwekkende areas aan te spreek nie, maar om die metodologie agter risiko-mitigasie, prosedure en SOP ontwikkeling en validering te verduidelik, asook hoe sodanige individuele areas integreer. Die ISO 13485:2016-sertifiseeringstelsel is op voortdurende verbeteringsbeginsels gebaseer, wat sou beteken dat waar nuwe risiko's ontstaan, die proses om hierdie risiko's aan te spreek, gebaseer deur dié raamwerkontwikkeling opgelos kan word. Aanvanklike prosesrisiko-assessering is voor die raamwerkontwikkeling gedoen en na die raamwerkontwikkeling het dit 'n beduidende vermindering in die risiko-indeks getoon. Vier sagteware-, drie hardeware-, twee inhuis-prosesontwikkelings en een verdure aanbeveling vir ‘n gehaltebestuurstelsel is voorgestel. Vier verdere navorsingsprojekte is as voortdurende stelsel- verbetering geïdentifiseer.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Additive manufacturing, Subtractive manufacturing, Mass customization, Rapid prototyping, UCTD