Facilitating critical thinking in nursing students : lecturers’ perspectives

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: As health care systems become more complex, health professionals are faced with multifaceted situations requiring suitable critical thinking skills. These critical thinking skills allow health professionals to integrate information and make prompt, appropriate decisions resulting in safe and effective health care practice. Health professional education is fundamental to facilitating the development of critical thinking skills in students. However, there are many factors affecting this process including teaching strategies, the lecturers, the students, academic literacy, the educational institution, and various societal factors. The aim of this study was to explore lecturers’ perspectives of strategies that could facilitate the development of critical thinking in nursing students in class room teaching, in order to make recommendations for lecturers. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted at a nursing college in the Western Cape. The data were analysed using an iterative process that involved repeated readings of the transcripts, identification of codes, and the subsequent generation of two focus areas. The understanding of critical thinking by the lecturers revealed in the first focus area, was found to be primarily related to cognitive skills in nursing students with more limited reference to their affective skills. The general finding related to the second focus area, was that lecturers continue to use the lecture method as their main teaching strategy, rather than more student-centred strategies that promote active learning and assist with the facilitation of critical thinking in students. There was a realisation among the respondents that the lecture method did not necessarily facilitate critical thinking in nursing students. Yet, resource constraints such as large student numbers and the large amount of content in the curriculum were the reasons proposed by the lecturers for continuing with the lecture method. Other resource constraints mentioned by the lecturers included the lack of availability of Wi-Fi in classrooms and the lack of a well-equipped simulation laboratory that could assist with the facilitation of critical thinking in the student. The preparedness of lecturers to teach critical thinking seemed to be problematic with lecturers expressing a desire for further education and training on critical thinking and various appropriate teaching strategies to facilitate it. Language was also seen as a challenge in the facilitation of critical thinking. This study represents the first of its kind in this institution and it is hoped that this contribution would add to the conversations that are currently being held about the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that educators have in relation to critical thinking.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aangesien gesondheidsorgstelsels meer kompleks word, word gesondheidswerkers gekonfronteer met veelvlakkige situasies wat gepaste kritiese denkvaardighede vereis. Hierdie kritiese denkvaardighede stel gesondheidswerkers in staat om inligting te integreer en vinnig toepaslike besluite te neem wat lei tot veilige en effektiewe gesondheidsorgpraktyke. Gesondheids Professionele Onderwys is fundamenteel om die ontwikkeling van kritiese denkvaardighede in studente te fasiliteer. Daar is egter baie faktore wat hierdie proses beïnvloed, insluitend onderrigstrategiee, die dosente, die studente, akademiese geletterdheid, die opvoedkundige instelling en verskeie samelewingsfaktore. Die doel van hierdie studie was om dosentpersepsies van strategiee te ondersoek wat die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in verpleegstudente in klaslokale onderrig kan fasiliteer ten einde aanbevelings vir dosente te maak. ʼn Kwantitatiewe studie met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is by 'n verpleegkollege in die Wes-Kaap gevoer. Die data is geanaliseer met behulp van 'n iteratiewe proses wat herhaalde lees van die transkripsies, identifikasie van kodes en die daaropvolgende generasie van twee fokusareas behels. Die begrip van kritiese denke deur die dosente wat in die eerste fokusarea geopenbaar is, is hoofsaaklik verwant aan kognitiewe vaardighede in verpleegstudente met meer beperkte verwysing na hul affektiewe vaardighede. Die algemene bevinding wat verband hou met die tweede fokusarea, was dat dosente steeds die lesingsmetode as hul hoofonderrigstrategie gebruik, eerder as meer studentgesentreerde strategieë wat aktiewe leer bevorder en help met die fasilitering van kritiese denke in studente. Daar was 'n besef onder die respondente dat die lesingsmetode nie noodwendig kritieke denke in verpleegstudente fasiliteer nie. Hulpbronbeperkings soos groot studentegetalle en die groot hoeveelheid inhoud in die kurrikulum is egter as die redes deur die dosente voorgestel om met die lesingsmetode voort te gaan. Ander hulpbronbeperkings wat deur die dosente genoem word sluit in die gebrek aan beskikbaarheid van Wi-Fi in klaskamers en die gebrek aan 'n goed toegeruste simulasielaboratorium wat kan help met die fasilitering van kritiese denke in die student. Die bereidwilligheid van dosente om kritiese denke te onderrig, was problematies met dosente wat 'n begeerte vir verdere opleiding en opleiding oor kritiese denke en verskeie toepaslike onderrigstrategiee tot uitdrukking bring om dit te fasiliteer. Taal is ook gesien as 'n uitdaging in die fasilitering van kritiese denke. Hierdie studie verteenwoordig die eerste van sy soort in hierdie instelling en dit word gehoop dat hierdie sal bydrae tot die gesprekke wat tans gehou word oor die kennis, vaardighede, en houdings wat opvoeders ten opsigte van kritiese denke het.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Critical thinking -- Study and teaching, Nursing -- Study and teaching, Educators -- Attitudes, Nursing students, UCTD