Reklaam kui sotsiokultuuriline kommunikatsioon




Karise, Merit

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri


Tartu Ülikool



The aim of the MA thesis ‘Advertising As Sociocultural Communication’ is to provide an introductory overview of cultural studies approach to advertising and analysing advertising texts. Traditional Western marxist approach to advertising that was dominant till the middle of the 1990s treated it mainly as an ever-effective ideological force that manipulated people. Cultural studies has introduced the notion of an active reader and opened up the horizon for studying not only the reading and consumption practices of people, but also the practices of text production. The first chapter of the thesis compares advertising as marketing communication and advertising as sociocultural communication and introduces the concepts of representation, text, meaning and the semiotic approach to communication. The second chapter provides an overview of traditional marxist approach to advertising analysis on the axis of culture- advertising-power, introducing the ideas Karl Marx, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Louis Althusser, turning then to the ideas of Michel Foucault and Antonio Gramsci, which allow new positions in approaching the relation of advertising and power. An overview of British cultural studies and of the basic points and principles contemporary cultural studies is provided in the end of the second chapter. The third chapter offers a map for studying advertising as sociocultural communication based on Norman Fairclough’s framework for critical discourse analysis. The possible research questions are suggested at three levels: text, discursive practices and sociocultural practices. Also, a brief overview is given about the possible research methods. The fourth chapter focuses on advertising text and discusses the similarities and differences of semiotic and discursive approach, provides the semiotic model of Roland Barthes, model of critical layout analysis by Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen and model of critical verbal discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. The final, fifth chapter provides a sample analysis of an Estonian print ad with the models of analysis introduced in the fourth chapter.


H Social Sciences (General), magistritööd, reklaam, turunduskommunikatsioon, kultuurisotsioloogia, reklaamisotsioloogia, diskursusanalüüs, tekstianalüüs, sotsiolingvistika, interpretatsioon
