Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10198/22370
Título: Welfy smart controller - BGI - MIT
Autor: Matos, Paulo
Plasencia, Paula
Alves, Rui
Peixoto, José
Palavras-chave: HVAC
Data: 2018
Editora: BGI - ISCTE-IUL
Citação: Matos, Paulo; Placência, Paula; Alves, Rui; Peixoto, José (2018). Welfy smart controller - BGI - MIT. In Building Global Innovators. ISCTE-IUL Lisboa
Resumo: A technology that is completely autonomous, intelligent, auto adaptable and simple to use, to control environment variables according to routines and preferences of the each individual or group of individuals. A solution to control HVAC systems based on radiators and convectors, that uses this technology joined with a large set of optimizations, that turn Welfy Controllers unbeatable in the advantages and benefits offered to customers. Promoting the highest levels of energy savings for HVAC systems. Reconciling the irreconcilable, joinning the superlative of comfort environment with the superlative of energy efficiency, in an eco-efficient and simple to use technology.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10198/22370
Aparece nas colecções:ESTiG - Posters em Encontros Científicos Internacionais

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