Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10198/23812
Título: Correction to: Collaborative immersive authoring tool for real-time creation of multisensory VR experiences
Autor: Coelho, Hugo
Melo, Miguel
Martins, José
Bessa, Maximino
Data: 2020
Citação: Coelho, Hugo; Melo, Miguel; Martins, José; Bessa, Maximino (2020). Correction to: Collaborative immersive authoring tool for real-time creation of multisensory VR experiences. Multimedia Tools and Applications. ISSN 1380-7501. 79:19-20, p. 14315-14316
Resumo: In the original publication, Figs. 1 and 2 were interchange and the citation of Fig. 1 in the third paragraph of section 2.2 Authoring tools for multisensory VR experiences should be removed. The citation of Fig. 2 in section 3.1 System architecture should be changed to Fig. 1 and the citation of Fig. 1 in the same section should be change to Fig. 2. Also, the acknowledgement is missing in the original publication. The corrected figures and acknowledgement are presented in this erratum.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10198/23812
DOI: 10.1007/s11042-019-7645-x
ISSN: 1380-7501
Aparece nas colecções:EsACT - Artigos em Revistas Indexados à WoS/Scopus

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