Masters Thesis

Exploring perceptions that males and females have towards concealed carry on a college campus

Often the perceptions students have towards concealed carry differ in a variety of cases especially males' and females' opinions (Doubleday, 2013; Gius, 2018; Jang, Dierenfeldt, & Lee, 2014). Few studies have explored if one's gender had any significant effect on one's perceptions of support for concealed carry policies on a college campus Doubleday, 2013; Gius, 2018; Jang, Dierenfeldt, & Lee, 2014. This quantitative study examined a small sample of California State University Sacramento criminal justice students and was conducted during the Spring 2019 semester. The results from the data did show a significant difference in variation between males' and females' perceptions towards concealed carry on a college campus. It is important to note that those significant variations should be examined and further analyzed.

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