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Author(s): Laranjinha, Ana Sofia
Title: Um Édipo medieval : o tempo das origens no prólogo do Tristan en Prose (séc. XIII)
Publisher: Porto : Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: In the Prologue to the Tristan en Prose, which tells ofthe misfortunes of Chelinde and Sador and of their son Apollo (ancestors ofthe hero ofthe romance), the use ofthe narrative outline ofthe Oedipus myth and the reinvention of the monster of Thebes reveals the medieval vision of pre-Christian times: cyclical character and regression, homicide and incest represent paganism. However, Apollo, although guilty of incest, will be the first Christian monarch of Léonois: the age of history, of punishment and redemption follows the cyclical and criminal.
Subject: Literatura francesa medieval
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Source: Revista da Faculdade de Letras : Línguas e Literaturas, 18, 2001, p.303-315
Document Type: Artigo em Revista Científica Nacional
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:FLUP - Artigo em Revista Científica Nacional

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