Avaluació de la promoció de la salut als serveis de salut mental de la Regió Sanitària de Girona

The aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the health promotion in mental health services of the Healthcare Region of Girona. An observational, descriptive and transverse study is presented. We studied sociodemographic variables and others related to the health promotion. Managers, 260 healthcare professionals and 174 users of the mental health services of Girona were selected. The managers and the healthcare professionals considered that the health promotion policies, healthy workplace and continuity and cooperation had an accomplishment of more than 61%. In regard to the evaluation, information and intervention of the patients, the accomplishment was between 41% and 80%. This study concluded that the health promotion is perceived as mostly implemented in Services for Mental Health in the Healthcare Region of Girona, especially in the community services ​
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Regió Sanitària de Girona