Validesa del Sistema d’Informació pel Desenvolupament de la Investigació a Atenció Primària en l'estudi de malalties vasculars i estudi de l'efectivitat de les estatines en la reducció de mortalitat i malalties vasculars en la població major de 74 anys
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Electronic Health Record are legal documents where all the bio-psycho-social information of care received by the healthcare system is recorded throughout their lives.
The first causes of death in Spain are cardiovascular diseases. The main risk factors associated with these diseases are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking and obesity, .These pathologies are more prevalent in elderly population (> 74 years).
The results obtained demonstrate that EHR is a good quality tool to be used in research, and that statins used as primary prevention in people over 74 are useful, as they reduce the appearance of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality, but only in those patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and between 75 and 85 years of age. Statin use in people over the age of 74 does not show an apparent increase in adverse effects
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