Una aproximació holística a l'educació. Estudi de cas

Pujol i Costa, Anna
This dissertation provides a holistic approach to education. It is based on the idea that there is a paradigm, different from the conventional paradigm, which aims to educate a person in his entirity, including the spiritual dimension of human beings. Firstly, we reconsider the background of this conception, which was originated in the “Perennial philosophy” and the Greek and Oriental traditions of knowledge. “Educere” would be the key to achieve the full potential of one person, and the Maieutics- the art of achieving and updating the own potential. The current conceptions in Educational Psychology and the most relevant contributions of Neuroeducation are regarded. The present work deepens the Waldorf pedagogy as a holistic view of education. This dissertation is also based on an ethnographic research conducted in the school “La Font” that started in Vic (Osona-Catalonia) in 2011. The school is followed up and the study is carried out with the longitudinal study of five children (four boys and one girl), since 1st to 6th of Primary school. At the end of Secondary school the results are evaluated. The sources of information are analysed through interviews, direct observation on keeping field notes, audiovisual recordings, questionnaires and related documents. The methodological approach used has been the educational ethnography during the six years of Primary school. The results show that the school “La Font” implements the Waldorf philosophy. Furthermore kids who have followed the Waldorf education are able to achieve the formalised educational skills and adapt smoothly to the regular Secondary education. It is worth mentioning some features such as good communication skills, social values, good habits of personal autonomy and a certain level of self-awareness. The study starts with the fact that the Waldorf Pedagogy has been scarcely researched, so we are certain that more investigation is necessary to provide findings in order to open new lines of research. ​
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