Les còpies gironines del segon testament de Ramon Berenguer III (1130)

Puig i Oliver, Jaume de
About the last testament of Barcelona’s count Ramon Berenguer III, a copy from 1204 preserved in the ACA, and the sacramental adveration preserved in copy in the Liber Feudorum Maior, of the same ACA, were known until now. The appearance at the ACG of another ancient copy, dated in 1209, and two modern copies, one dated November 6th, 1687 and another from the 18th century, invited us to study their relationships and the possible archival process of testament of the aforementioned count. The conclusions after analyzing the five documents point out: 1) that there was an original of the testament of Ramon Berenguer III drawn up by the monk of Ripoll, Udalguer, the same editor of the sacramental adveration; 2) that this original testament was not or was not found in the ACA during the compilation of the LFM (?-1196); 3) that in the 17th century Pierre de Marca copied for the ACA the original or an old copy of the testament drawn up by the monk Udalguer; 4) that we must wait for this document to appear one day ​
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