Sumas torcidas de espacios de Hilbert y operadores
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En el siguiente trabajo se presenta la teoría de sumas torcidas de espacios quasi-Banach, que surgió a finales de los años setenta con el objeto de resolver y comprender las soluciones del llamado problema de Palais, que formulaba una cuestión relativa a la estructura de los espacios de Banach y, en particular, de los espacios de Hilbert. Concretamente, se estudiará la estructura de ciertas sumas torcidas que, en particular, constituyen soluciones del problema mencionado anteriormente y se dedicará una breve
parte de la memoria al estudio de sus operadores
The following work presents the theory of twisted sums of quasi-Banach spaces, which emerged in the late 1970s in order to solve and understand the solutions of the so-called Palais problem, which formulated a question regarding the structure of Banach spaces and, in particular, Hilbert spaces. Specifically, the structure of certain twisted sums that, in particular, constitute solutions to the aforementioned problem, will be studied and a brief part of the work will be devoted to the study of operators defined on them.
The following work presents the theory of twisted sums of quasi-Banach spaces, which emerged in the late 1970s in order to solve and understand the solutions of the so-called Palais problem, which formulated a question regarding the structure of Banach spaces and, in particular, Hilbert spaces. Specifically, the structure of certain twisted sums that, in particular, constitute solutions to the aforementioned problem, will be studied and a brief part of the work will be devoted to the study of operators defined on them.
Traballo de Fin de Máster en Matemáticas. Curso 2019-2020
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