Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/11071
Título: TSKY: a dependable middleware solution for data privacy using public storage clouds
Autor: Rodrigues, João Miguel Cardia Melro
Orientador: Domingos, Henrique
Palavras-chave: Cloud computing
Cloud storage services
Threshold crypto-graphic schemes and algorithms
Homomorphic encryption schemes
Data privacy
Reliability and availability
Data de Defesa: 2013
Editora: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Resumo: This dissertation aims to take advantage of the virtues offered by data storage cloud based systems on the Internet, proposing a solution that avoids security issues by combining different providers’ solutions in a vision of a cloud-of-clouds storage and computing. The solution, TSKY System (or Trusted Sky), is implemented as a middleware system, featuring a set of components designed to establish and to enhance conditions for security, privacy, reliability and availability of data, with these conditions being secured and verifiable by the end-user, independently of each provider. These components, implement cryptographic tools, including threshold and homomorphic cryptographic schemes, combined with encryption, replication, and dynamic indexing mecha-nisms. The solution allows data management and distribution functions over data kept in different storage clouds, not necessarily trusted, improving and ensuring resilience and security guarantees against Byzantine faults and at-tacks. The generic approach of the TSKY system model and its implemented services are evaluated in the context of a Trusted Email Repository System (TSKY-TMS System). The TSKY-TMS system is a prototype that uses the base TSKY middleware services to store mailboxes and email Messages in a cloud-of-clouds.
Descrição: Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/11071
Aparece nas colecções:FCT: DI - Dissertações de Mestrado

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