Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/123440
Título: Improving convolutional neural networks performance for image classification using test time augmentation
Autor: Kandel, Ibrahem
Castelli, Mauro
Palavras-chave: Convolutional neural networks
Deep learning
Ensemble learning
Transfer learning
Test time augmentation
Image classification
Health Informatics
Health Information Management
Information Systems
Data: Dez-2021
Resumo: Bone fractures are one of the main causes to visit the emergency room (ER); the primary method to detect bone fractures is using X-Ray images. X-Ray images require an experienced radiologist to classify them; however, an experienced radiologist is not always available in the ER. An accurate automatic X-Ray image classifier in the ER can help reduce error rates by providing an instant second opinion to the emergency doctor. Deep learning is an emerging trend in artificial intelligence, where an automatic classifier can be trained to classify musculoskeletal images. Image augmentations techniques have proven their usefulness in increasing the deep learning model's performance. Usually, in the image classification domain, the augmentation techniques are used during training the network and not during the testing phase. Test time augmentation (TTA) can increase the model prediction by providing, with a negligible computational cost, several transformations for the same image. In this paper, we investigated the effect of TTA on image classification performance on the MURA dataset. Nine different augmentation techniques were evaluated to determine their performance compared to predictions without TTA. Two ensemble techniques were assessed as well, the majority vote and the average vote. Based on our results, TTA increased classification performance significantly, especially for models with a low score.
Descrição: Kandel, I., & Castelli, M. (2021). Improving convolutional neural networks performance for image classification using test time augmentation: a case study using MURA dataset. Health information science and systems, 9(1), 1-22. [33]. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13755-021-00163-7
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/123440
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13755-021-00163-7
ISSN: 2047-2501
Aparece nas colecções:NIMS: MagIC - Artigos em revista internacional com arbitragem científica

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