Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/131512
Título: Consulting lab for Galp Energia: business model bio LPG and LPG as a support energy
Autor: Horta, Pedro Mota Gomes
Orientador: Casquinho, Constança Monteiro
Palavras-chave: Energy transition
Carbon credit market
Data de Defesa: 29-Jun-2021
Resumo: The energy market is facing challenges ,mainly the energy transition to renewable sources to achieve de carbonization. Galp is the leading company in the LPG market, a segment that expects a constant decline in the next years, due to the incentive to electrification. The main goal of the project is to development the business model of a new product, amore sustainable version of the LPG, creating a competitive advantage in the market, as the pioneer of Bio LPG. In this way, Galp is capable of leveraging its position with a unique and valuable new offer, projecting a greener image of the company. The new value proposition for Bio LPG was created based on the Value Delivery framework, fed by the benchmark on LPG and non-LPG sectors, brainstormed with the Galp's project team and validated through a hypotheses testing. The project's outcomes are the strategic recommendations for the three targets, Bottled LPG, Auto LPG and Bulk LPG, with the respective financial analysis and communication and implementation plan.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/131512
Designação: A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Aparece nas colecções:NSBE: Nova SBE - MA Dissertations

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