Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/2006
Título: Energia solar fotovoltaica: contributo para um roadmapping do seu desenvolvimento tecnológico
Autor: Silva, Hugo Gil
Afonso, Marcos
Orientador: Moniz, António
Palavras-chave: Photovoltaic energy
Renewable resources
Data: Jul-2009
Editora: IET
Citação: Silva, Hugo Gil; Afonso, Marcos (2009): Energia solar fotovoltaica: contributo para um roadmapping do seu desenvolvimento tecnológico, IET Working Papers Series, 10/2009, 55 pp.
Relatório da Série N.º: IET Working Papers Series
WPS 10/2009
Resumo: The main goal for this report, is to alert for the need of a continuous investment in policies that should be developed worldwide, with respect to research and development (R&D), at all levels, in photovoltaic energy. The R&D in this area lead to a strong and possible solution to the actual problems, such as climate change due to polluted gas emissions and due to the non-renewable resources exhaustion. Therefore, this contribution for a roadmap of photovoltaic technology aims to support the knowledge on projects that allow photovoltaic module cost reduction, efficiency and longevity improvement. In this paper we analyze the implemented policies and projects that were and are being developed worldwide. A development monitoring is done in photovoltaic energy since its origin, in order to predict its evolution in actual market. The data was analyzed and the conclusion was drawn that the solar energetic consumption evolution is related to the efficiency improvement and cost reduction in photovoltaic technologies, mainly due to the rising competitiveness among other sources of energy. The non-dependency on non-renewable and pollutant resources implies a significant rising of hope for a better future.
Descrição: Trabalho realizado sob orientação do Prof. António Brandão Moniz para a disciplina “Sócio-Economia da Inovação” do Mestrado Engenharia Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores realizado na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/2006
ISSN: 1646-8929
Aparece nas colecções:FCT: IET - Working Paper Series

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