Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/51576
Título: Role-playing as a communication strategy for social change
Autor: Graça, Raquel Maria Mendes Pinheiro da
Orientador: Barreto, Ana Margarida
Palavras-chave: Role-playing
Social change
Strategic communication
Attitude strength
Data de Defesa: 9-Out-2018
Resumo: The resort to experience in marketing and communication strategies is a growing trend, even in the social sector, and for that reason this work pertains to investigate how does role-play impact the attitude of a small sample of participants in a social sector context. Specifically, we delved into how peoples’ attitudes are created and how they can become strong enough to impact social change. Then, we organized an exploratory study that consisted on a role-playing strategy in a fictitious campaign about socialization with deaf people and noted the effects on the four identifyed dimensions of participants’ attitudes, comparing them with a control group. Each group had 18 participants. We concluded that the group exposed to the role-playing activity registered overall stronger attitudes than the other one, especially in what concerns to the attitude’s influence on behavior and information processing.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/51576
Designação: Ciências da Comunicação
Aparece nas colecções:FCSH: DCC - Dissertações de Mestrado

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