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The influence of bait type and leader material on target and bycatch species was assessed through fishing experiments in the Portuguese shallow pelagic longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean. Wire leaders were found to decrease catch rates of commercially valuable species such as bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna, while increasing catch rates of elasmobranchs, including the blue shark and shortfin mako. The odds ratios of capture swordfish and tunas also decrease when using wire leaders, while elasmobranchs have higher odds ratios of capture and athaulback mortality when using wire leaders. Squid bait led to higher catches of targeted tuna species, however it also resulted in higher catches of marine turtles. For most of the taxa caught at-haulback mortality risk was found to be higher on squid bait, which may be related with increased deep-hooking events. While bait type and leader material did not significantly affect size selectivity for most species, wire leaders were found to retain larger blue sharks and fish bait attracted smaller-sized swordfish. This study showed that banning wire leaders on pelagic longline fisheries is an effective measure for reducing the retention of pelagic shark species, particularly of large size blue sharks.
Pelagic longline fishery Nylon monofilament vs. wire leaders Squid vs . mackerel Shark mortality Bycatch mitigation