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Título: Chronic wasting disease risk assessment in Portugal: analysis of variability and genetic structure of the Portuguese roe deer population
Autor: Gonçalves-Anjo, Nuno
Pereira, Jorge C.
Machado, Ana
Saianda, Mafalda
Bastos, Estela
Matos, A.C.
Gama, Adelina
Alves, Anabela
Esteves, Alexandra
Rocha, Sara
Figueira, Luís
Lima, Carla
Silva, Filipe
Seixas, Fernanda
Pires, Isabel
Silva, João
Vieira-Pint, Madalena
Pinto, Maria L.
Mendonça, Paula
Carvalho, Paulo
Tavares, Paula
Sargo, Roberto
Orge, Leonor
Pires, Maria A.
Palavras-chave: Cervid
Roe deer
Data: 2022
Editora: Taylor & Francis
Citação: GONÇALVES-ANJO, Nuno [et al.] (2022) - Chronic wasting disease risk assessment in Portugal: analysis of variability and genetic structure of the Portuguese roe deer population. In ZERR, Inga (2022) - Prion 2022 conference abstracts: pushing the boundaries, Gottingen, 2022. Prion. Vol. 16, N.º. 1, p. 204. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19336896.2022.2091286
Resumo: Among the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in cervids is now the rising concern in wildlife within Europe after the first case detected in Norway in 2016. CWD shows a notable horizontal transmission, affecting both free-ranging and captive cervids. Furthermore, several genetic variants in the Prion Protein (PRNP) gene coding sequence of the cervid were identified, which increase the susceptibility to the disease.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/8760
Aparece nas colecções:ESACB - Comunicações em encontros científicos e técnicos

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