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La política y su praxis constituyen ya, desde hace algunos decenios, un ámbito de la reflexión teológica con amplio desarrollo, implicando una articulación entre la universalidad del mensaje cristiano con la racionalidad propia de consideraciones teológicas más regionales, como son la cristología o la eclesiología, e incluso con una lectura ateenta y razonable de los hechos históricos, sociales, culturales y económicos. Lo que se plantea en este artículo, de manera muy general, es la relevancia trinitaria de una posible aportación teológico-política a la cuestión de los humanismos y su relación con la construcción de la paz.
Politics and its practice are already, for some decades, an area of theological reflection with extensive development. Their consideration imply a link between the universality of Christian message and the rationality of more regional theological approaches, such as Christology and Ecclesiology, and they involve a reasonable reading of historical, social, cultural, and economic events as well. What is proposed in this article is the relevance of a possible Trinitarian theological-political contribution to the issue of humanism and its relation to the construction of peace.
Politics and its practice are already, for some decades, an area of theological reflection with extensive development. Their consideration imply a link between the universality of Christian message and the rationality of more regional theological approaches, such as Christology and Ecclesiology, and they involve a reasonable reading of historical, social, cultural, and economic events as well. What is proposed in this article is the relevance of a possible Trinitarian theological-political contribution to the issue of humanism and its relation to the construction of peace.
Teología trinitaria Teología política Humanismos Paz Trinitarian theology Political theology Humanism Peace
ANGÉLICO, José Pedro – Humanismos, plataformas para la paz. Una lectura desde la teología trinitária. Cauriensia. ISSN 1886-4945. Vol. VIII (2013,) p. 433-443
Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca