Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/9957
Título: Evolução nutricional em doentes oncológicos submetidos a colocação de prótese esofágica: estudo retrospectivo
Outros títulos: Nutritional follow-up in oncological patients after esophageal stent placement: a retrospective study
Autor: Torres, Cláudia
Alves, Paula
Pinto, Elisabete
Palavras-chave: Cancer patient
Esophageal cancer
Gastric cancer
Esophageal stent
Data: 2012
Editora: Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas
Citação: TORRES, Cláudia; ALVES, Paula; PINTO, Elisabete - Evolução Nutricional em Doentes Oncológicos submetidos a Colocação de Prótese Esofágica: Estudo Retrospectivo. Nutrícias. ISSN 1645-1198. N.º 14 (2012), p.20-22
Resumo: Introduction: The esophageal stent placement is an effective procedure to restore the intake “per os” in patients with esophageal obstruction. Objectives: To describe, retrospectively, the evolution of nutritional intake, symptoms associated with food intake and anthropometry of all the patients submitted to an esophageal stent placement in IPOFG, EPE, between January 2009 and December 2010, for which the main diagnosis was esophageal or gastric cancer. Methodology: Observational descriptive study of 98 patients. We assessed the nutritional and dietary records in medical files of cancer patients with esophageal stent placement in the study period. Data were collected with a standardized protocol. Results: The most (75,5%) of participants were men and 57,1% were older than 60 years, with women being significantly older. The main diagnosis for 76,5% of patients was esophageal cancer. Regarding the symptoms prior to placement of the stent, almost all patients (n = 90) had dysphagia, and for 49,5% was dysphagia to solids. Regarding the type of the stent, 63,3% of patients received a non-covered self-expanding metal stent. The median time between diagnosis and death was 354,0 days and between the placement of the first stent and the death was 124,5 days. Comparing the usual weight with the weight near the stent placement, patients lost a median of 16kg (P25;P75: 12,5;24,0). Conclusions: These cancers are associated with significant weight losses, partly due to dysphagia. As a retrospective study, being in account the number of nutrition assessments available after stent placement, it was not possible to objectively measure the benefit of the stent placement regarding the nutritional status. However, the purpose of allowing oral feeding was certainly achieved, indeed highly valued by patients.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/9957
ISSN: 1645-1198
Aparece nas colecções:CBQF - Artigos / Articles

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