Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.17/4483
Título: Primary Biliary Cholangitis: a Rare Diagnosis During Pregnancy
Autor: Inês Felizardo Lopes, I
Dos Reis, CP
Alves, MJ
Calinas, F
Borges, MA
Palavras-chave: Cholestasis
Liver disease
Primary biliary cholangitis
Data: 2022
Editora: Sage
Citação: Obstet Med . 2022 Dec;15(4):273-275.
Resumo: Primary biliary cholangitis is an autoimmune disease that mostly affects women. It is uncommon in women of childbearing age and the diagnosis during pregnancy is rare and can be challenging. Described here is a case of primary biliary cholangitis first manifesting during pregnancy, with the onset of pruritus, jaundice, biochemical liver abnormalities and positive antimitochondrial antibodies. Although treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid was started at the time of diagnosis, there was a progressive worsening of cholestatic biochemical markers throughout pregnancy. In addition, fasting hyperglycemia with polyhydramnios was diagnosed, consistent with gestational diabetes. She had a spontaneous preterm delivery at 31 weeks of gestation, of a newborn who was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit but who subsequently had no long-term sequelae of preterm delivery. A maternal postpartum flare occurred. Treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid was well tolerated during pregnancy and lactation.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.17/4483
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MED - Artigos

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