Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.18/7560
Título: Evaluation Report of the Sustainable Capacity Building Programme (European Health Information Training Programme - EHITP): Final Report
Autor: Garcia, Ana Cristina
Sousa Uva, Mafalda
Roquette, Rita
Gómez, Verónica
Matias Dias, Carlos
Palavras-chave: Health Information
Informação em Saúde
Determinantes de Saúde e Doença
Estado de Saúde e Doença
Data: 29-Jan-2021
Editora: Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP
Resumo: The InfAct (Information for Action) project is a Joint Action of the European Commission's 3rd Health Programme, which includes 28 EU Member States and Associated Countries. The main goal of InfAct is to build an infrastructure of a health information system for a stronger European Union and to strengthen its core elements. Its vision is to improve the use of health data and information for a healthier Europe. Portugal co-leads the Work Package 6 (WP6) of this project, through a team of professionals from the Directorate-General of Health (who coordinates), the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - NOVA University of Lisbon and the National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge. WP6 includes, among other tasks, the development of a Flagship Capacity Building Programme and its evaluation. The proposal of the programme was presented through the document “InfAct - Sustainable Capacity Building Programme (European Health Information Training Programme - EHITP), Task 6.2 – February 2020”.
Peer review: no
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.18/7560
Aparece nas colecções:DEP - Relatórios científicos e técnicos

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