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Título: Anemia in preschool children from Angola: a review of the evidence
Autor: Fançony, Cláudia
Lavinha, João
Brito, Miguel
Barros, Henrique
Palavras-chave: Angola
Associated Factors
Preschool Children
Doenças Genéticas
Data: 11-Fev-2020
Editora: University of Porto
Citação: Porto Biomed J. 2020 Feb 11;5(1):e60. doi: 10.1097/j.pbj.0000000000000060. eCollection Jan-Feb 2020.
Resumo: Angola is one of the southern African countries with the highest prevalence of anemia, and despite the high geographic heterogeneity of its distribution across the country, it was reported to be indicative of a severe public health problem in some areas, mainly in children. Despite the relevance of this condition in the country there is still an important gap regarding scientific evidences and knowledge systematization in the indexed literature, that could be used to inform and optimize national public health policies willing to address it. Furthermore, the changes in anemia epidemiology among African preschool children and the late updates in nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive preventive strategies in the continent are of imperative relevance, as they could contribute to design context-specific national approaches to reduce anemia's morbidity and mortality. In this study we intent to perform a systematic review regarding the sparse evidence available on the country regarding the prevalence of anemia, its associated factors, the prevention, and/or control strategies with potential to reduce anemia that were implemented, and to discuss interventions targeting infections and/or nutrition conducted in other African countries.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.18/7654
DOI: 10.1097/j.pbj.0000000000000060
Versão do Editor: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7722406/
Aparece nas colecções:DGH - Artigos em revistas nacionais

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