Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.18/7899
Título: The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change
Autor: Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M.
Scovronick, N.
Sera, F.
Royé, D.
Schneider, R.
Tobias, A.
Astrom, C.
Guo, Y.
Honda, Y.
Hondula, D.M.
Abrutzky, R.
Tong, S.
Coelho, M. de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio
Saldiva, P. H. Nascimento
Lavigne, E.
Correa, P. Matus
Ortega, N. Valdes
Kan, H.
Osorio, S.
Kyselý, J.
Urban, A.
Orru, H.
Indermitte, E.
Jaakkola, J.J.K.
Ryti, N.
Pascal, M.
Schneider, A.
Katsouyanni, K.
Samoli, E.
Mayvaneh, F.
Entezari, A.
Goodman, P.
Zeka, A.
Michelozzi, P.
de’Donato, F.
Hashizume, M.
Alahmad, B.
Diaz, M. Hurtado
Valencia, C. De La Cruz
Overcenco, A.
Houthuijs, D.
Ameling, C.
Rao, S.
Di Ruscio, F.
Carrasco-Escobar, G.
Seposo, X.
Silva, S.
Madureira, J.
Holobaca, I.H.
Fratianni, S.
Acquaotta, F.
Kim, H.
Lee, W.
Iniguez, C.
Forsberg, B.
Ragettli, M.S.
Guo, Y.L.L.
Chen, B.Y.
Li, S.
Armstrong, B.
Aleman, A.
Zanobetti, A.
Schwartz, J.
Dang, T.N.
Dung, D.V.
Gillett, N.
Haines, A.
Mengel, M.
Huber, V.
Gasparrini, A.
Palavras-chave: Mortality
Heat-Related Mortality
Climate Change
Determinantes da Saúde e da Doença
Estados de Saúde e de Doença
Avaliação do Impacte em Saúde
Data: 31-Mai-2021
Editora: Nature Research
Citação: Nat Clim Chang. 2021 Jun;11(6):492-500. doi: 10.1038/s41558-021-01058-x. Epub 2021 May 31.
Resumo: Climate change affects human health; however, there have been no large-scale, systematic efforts to quantify the heat-related human health impacts that have already occurred due to climate change. Here, we use empirical data from 732 locations in 43 countries to estimate the mortality burdens associated with the additional heat exposure that has resulted from recent human-induced warming, during the period 1991–2018. Across all study countries, we find that 37.0% (range 20.5–76.3%) of warm-season heat-related deaths can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change and that increased mortality is evident on every continent. Burdens varied geographically but were of the order of dozens to hundreds of deaths per year in many locations. Our findings support the urgent need for more ambitious mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize the public health impacts of climate change.
Descrição: ​Top 1st climate paper in 2021 for news and social media attention, by Carbon Brief (https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-the-climate-papers-most-featured-in-the-media-in-2021/)
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.18/7899
DOI: 10.1038/s41558-021-01058-x
ISSN: 1758-678X
Versão do Editor: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-021-01058-x
Aparece nas colecções:DEP - Artigos em revistas internacionais
DSA - Artigos em revistas internacionais

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