Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.19/6928
Título: Children and technology: preoccupations, practices and participation in Early Childhood Education
Autor: Pacheco Figueiredo, Maria
Alves, Valter
Palavras-chave: educação pré-escolar
tecnologias de informação e comunicação
educação de infância
Data: 2021
Editora: IATED
Citação: Figueiredo, M. P., & Alves, V. (2021). Children and technology: preoccupations, practices and participation in Early Childhood Education. In Proceedings of ICERI2021 Conference (pp. 4176-4183). IATED. 10.21125/iceri.2021.0975
Resumo: Children live in a complex world where technology plays different roles and influences several spheres of their existence. Research about the presence and educational impact of technology in childhood reveals several challenges. A particular challenge is connected to the need for a high-quality pedagogy regarding technology in Early Childhood Education. This paper contributes to that discussion from a Portuguese perspective. The pedagogical and curricular framework for Early Childhood Education in Portugal supports a significant use of technology in the daily practice and in children’s play. In this context, the paper explores three main axes to understand a high-quality pedagogy for using technology with children in educational contexts: technology presented as a tool with socially authentic practices; technology as supporting multiple languages that are relevant for children to understand the world around them; and technology as an arena for children’s participation. Each axis is supported by the analysis of specific projects developed locally at the School of Education. The projects were selected for highlighting tenets of each axis. Each axis is also connected to the three content areas of the Portuguese Curricular Guidelines and to dimensions of a sociocultural pedagogy for Early Childhood Education.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.19/6928
DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0975
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
Aparece nas colecções:ESEV - DPCE - Artigo em ata de evento científico internacional

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