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Título: 3-D scale model study of wave run-up, overtopping and damage in a rubble-mound breakwater subject to oblique extreme wave conditions
Autor: Santos, João Alfredo
Pedro, Francisco
Coimbra, Mário
Figuero, Andrés
Fortes, Conceição Juana
Sande, José
Körner, Moritz
Lemos, Rute
Bornschein, Antje
Weimper, Julius
van den Bos, Jeroen
Dost, Bastian
Hofland, Bas
Carvalho, Rita F.
Alvarellos, Alberto
Peña, Enrique
Pohl, Reinhard
Kerpen, Nils B.
Reis, Maria Teresa
Palavras-chave: Physical modelling
3D-Wave basin
Data: 16-Ago-2019
Editora: Trans Tech Publications
Citação: SANTOS, João Alfredo; [et al] – 3-D scale model study of wave run-up, overtopping and damage in a rubble-mound breakwater subject to oblique extreme wave conditions. Defect and Diffusion Forum. Vol. 396 (2019), pp. 32-41
Resumo: A set of scale-model tests carried out to enlarge the range of wave steepness values analysed in run-up, overtopping and armour layer stability studies, focusing on oblique extreme wave conditions and on their effects on a gentler slope breakwater’s trunk armour and roundhead, is presented in this paper. A stretch of a rubble mound breakwater (head and part of the adjoining trunk, with a slope of 1(V):2(H)) was built in a wave basin at the Leibniz University Hannover to assess, under extreme wave conditions (wave steepness of 0.055) with different incident wave angles (from 40º to 90º), the structure behaviour in what concerns wave run-up, wave overtopping and damage progression of the armour layer. Two types of armour elements (rock and Antifer cubes) were tested. Non-intrusive methodologies including a new application of laser scanning technique for the assessment of both armour layer damage and wave run-up and overtopping were used. It is expected that such work will contribute also with data to improve empirical formulas as well as to validate complex numerical model for wave-structure interaction.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/10478
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.396.32
Aparece nas colecções:ISEL - Eng. Civil - Artigos

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