Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/12293
Título: Joining by forming of lightweight sandwich composite panels
Autor: Contreiras, Tomás R. M.
Pragana, João
Bragança, Ivo
Silva, Carlos
Alves, Luís M.
Martins, Paulo
Palavras-chave: Joining by forming
Sandwich composites
Lightweight panels
Finite element method
Data: 2019
Editora: Elsevier
Citação: CONTREIRAS, Tomás R. M.; [et al] – Joining by forming of lightweight sandwich composite panels. Procedia Manufacturing. ISSN 2351-9789. Vol. 29 (2019), pp. 288-295
Resumo: This paper presents a new joining by forming process to assemble longitudinally two metal-polymer sandwich composite panels perpendicular to one another. The process combines sheet-bulk forming with mortise-and-tenon joints to produce mechanically interlocked joints with large and stiff flat-shaped heads. Experimentation and finite element modelling with representative unit cells give support to the presentation and special emphasis is placed on the application of the process to the fabrication of lightweight composite panels for structural applications. Failure of the joints takes place by cracking and not by disassembling after unbending the flat-shaped head of the joint back to its original shape. The required forces to produce the new type of joints are below 15 kN, allowing them to be an easy to implement alternative to existing solutions based on adhesives or fasteners.
Descrição: Este trabalho foi financiado pelo Concurso Anual para Projetos de Investigação, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Criação Artística (IDI&CA) 2016 do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Código de referência IPL/2016/CompSBJ_ISEL
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/12293
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.02.140
ISSN: 2351-9789
Versão do Editor: https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S2351978919301738?token=3EE89708F51995277714726A815BA62144CA956709C9EAB301A4D9F0EBB4FFEAA7933FE39146E1F836DBA17E77B3A52B
Aparece nas colecções:ISEL - Eng. Mecan. - Artigos

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