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Título: Algebraic structure for interaction on mixed models 
Autor: Ramos, Paulo
Fernandes, Célia
Mexia, João Tiago
Palavras-chave: Binary operations
Commutative Jordan algebras
Linear mixed models
Data: 2015
Citação: RAMOS, Paulo; FERNANDES, Célia; MEXIA, João Tiago - Algebraic structure for interaction on mixed models. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics. ISSN.0972-0502. Vol. 18, N.º 1-2, pp. 43-52
Resumo: Binary operations on commutative Jordan algebras, CJA, can be used to study interactions between sets of factors belonging to a pair of models in which one nests the other. It should be noted that from two CJA we can, through these binary operations, build CJA. So when we nest the treatments from one model in each treatment of another model, we can study the interactions between sets of factors of the first and the second models.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/6176
DOI: 10.1080/09720510.2014.927622
ISSN: 0972-0502
Versão do Editor: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09720510.2014.927622
Aparece nas colecções:ISEL - Matemática - Artigos

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