Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/9935
Título: Synergistic catalytic action of vanadia-titania composites towards the microwave-assisted benzoin oxidation
Autor: Ferretti, Francesco
Da Costa Ribeiro, Ana Paula
Alegria, Elisabete
Ferraria, Ana Maria
Kopylovich, Maximilian
Guedes Da Silva, M. Fátima C.
Marchetti, Fabio
Pombeiro, Armando
Palavras-chave: Synergistic catalytic
Data: 14-Mar-2019
Editora: Royal Society of Chemistry
Citação: FERRETTI, Francesco; [et al] – Synergistic catalytic action of vanadia-titania composites towards the microwave-assisted benzoin oxidation. Dalton Transactions, ISSN 1477-9226. Vol. 48, N.º 10 (2019), pp. 3198-3203
Resumo: Intensification of chemical processes according to the motto "faster, simpler, greener" is among the main concerns nowadays. One of the ways of intensification is the application of synergistic catalytic effects when the overall efficiency of a composite catalyst is much higher than the sum of the component activities. Here, we report on the preparation of synergistic catalytic materials by a simple and straightforward ball milling procedure. Oxidation of benzoin was selected as a model reaction to demonstrate the viability of the concept. For the V2O5-TiO2 (95 : 5) composite material, the synergistic effect is triggered by low power microwave irradiation with more than a tenfold jump in the catalytic activity in comparison to the activities of the individual components.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/9935
DOI: 10.1039/c8dt04274h
ISSN: 1477-9226
Versão do Editor: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2019/dt/c8dt04274h
Aparece nas colecções:ISEL - Eng. Quim. Biol. - Artigos

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