Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/14776
Título: Lean Manufacturing: Implementation, Opportunities and Challenges
Autor: Silva, Francisco
Pinto Ferreira, Luís
Palavras-chave: Value Stream Mapping
Lean Line Design
Line Balancing
Single Minute Exchange of Die
Six Sigma
Processes optimization
Lean manufacturing
Data: 2019
Editora: Nova Science Publishers
Resumo: The paradigm of manufacturing is undergoing a major evolution throughout the world. The use of computers, the Internet and new challenges related to the Industry 4.0 have changed the way we engineer and manufacture products. Improving production with Lean Thinking is an evolution of a traditional approach in order to improve its processes to remain competitive in the global market. Lean Manufacturing is a multidimensional approach that embraces a wide variety of management practices in a unified system. These practices contain, quality systems, team work, and supplier management, among others. Nowadays, other practices have been adopted such as human factors and ergonomics. This book presents contributions of Lean Manufacturing applications in the world development and is intended to provide a comprehensive view of issues related to this area, with a specific focus on lean engineering principles; it is full of practical production examples of how Lean Thinking can be applied effectively to production systems. This work was conceptualized for an audience of graduate students mainly; however, it can also be consulted by engineers and company managers who seek state-of-the-art applications on Lean Manufacturing within a wide diversity of scenarios and conditions. The book, organized into 17 chapters, is intended to be an excellent source for dissemination of applied researches, lean concepts, and practices that have been successfully applied in the developing world domain. The book is also an excellent example of academy purpose with collaboration between different institutions from different countries that provide a global approach.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/14776
ISBN: 978-1-53615-725-3
Aparece nas colecções:ISEP – DEM – Livro, parte de livro, ou capítulo de livro

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