Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/18828
Título: Development of a graphical user interface for rehabilitation
Autor: Oliveira, Cristina Costa
Orientador: Ventura, Sandra Rua
Santos, Rubim
Palavras-chave: Biomechanics
Data de Defesa: 14-Set-2019
Resumo: Human movement underlies everything humans do, from movements that people can not consciously control to those movements that are trained. Everything from breathing to walking. This means movement is a very important part of human life. This was one of the main reasons to develop a whole study field around the human movement called Biomechanics. biomechanics studies the human movement from a mechanic point of view employing physics, methematics and engineering. In order words, biomechnics is very complex and needs powerfultools that allow precise analyses. Biomechanical analyses include retrieving the data froma human subject and later study it by transforming it in numbers that can be read and understood easily by the professionals in this field of study. In this dissertation, the main goal was to develop a tool (Graphical User Interface) that allowed the biomechanical analyses of three different types of movements, walking, reaching and equilibrium. This Graphical User Interface was developed with Matlab programming language, more specifically using their feature called App Designer, that allows the creation of graphical user interfaces in a simple, clear and understandable way. The tool was developed in collaboration with the Center of Rehabilitation Research from the School of health of Plytechnic of Porto and to combat their main problem when performing biomechanical analyses in the data files obtained from Optoeletronic Systems and force plates. The final product achieved was only able to perform equillibrium analyses using the center of pressure of the subject. The graphical user interface is able to calculate area, distance, velocity and maximum/minimum. the tool permits a fast, effective and accurate analysis, responding to the needs of researchers in the biomec hanical area and especially of the CIR.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/18828
Designação: Tecnologia Médica e Negócios em Saúde
Aparece nas colecções:ESS - DM - Mestrado Europeu em Tecnologia Médica e Negócios em Saúde

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