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A evolução tecnológica dos materiais permitiu a conceção de materiais mais robustos e leves. Por outro lado, os métodos de ligação tradicionais (como a soldadura e a ligação aparafusada) têm vindo a ser substituídos por métodos de ligação mais eficientes, de menor custo e de maior rendimento mecânico, como é o caso das ligações adesivas. Este é um método de ligação vantajoso, pelo que é útil analisar o seu comportamento em diversos materiais. Os ensaios de caracterização ao arrancamento (peel tests) são amplamente utilizados para a determinação da resistência ao arrancamento em juntas adesivas, tendencialmente realizados em aderentes flexíveis de baixa espessura. Para a parametrização desta propriedade são utilizados vários métodos de ensaio, como o ensaio floating roller peel test, climbing drum peel test, ensaios de arrancamento a 90° e 180°, e T-peel test. No entanto, a adequabilidade de diferentes tipos de adesivos neste tipo de ensaios ainda se encontra relativamente limitada, tal como a sua modelação numérica eficiente e precisa, necessária para a compreensão dos fenómenos mecânicos dos respetivos ensaios. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento ao arrancamento e os modos de rotura dos adesivos estruturais Araldite® AV138, Araldite® AW4858, Araldite® 2015 e Sikaforce® 7752 em aderentes de alumínio AW 6082-T651, através da utilização da configuração de ensaio floating roller peel test. Para este efeito, foi calculada a resistência ao arrancamento de cada ensaio, dada pelo rácio entre a força de tração e a largura da junta, o que permitiu comparar o desempenho dos diferentes adesivos a esta solicitação. Adicionalmente, foi desenvolvido um modelo numérico do ensaio, incluindo uma representação precisa do ensaio numérico, com a utilização de roletes rígidos para promover o suporte do provete, enquanto a extremidade flexível deste é solicitada, e estipuladas condições de contacto adequadas ao ensaio. Considerou-se também a utilização de modelos de dano coesivo (MDC) para modelação da propagação da fenda na camada de adesivo. Foi possível comparar os resultados numéricos obtidos com os resultados experimentais e criar uma base de modelação e validação das propriedades obtidas dos ensaios experimentais, por comparação com os resultados da análise numérica. Através do ensaio floating roller peel test foi possível obter uma avaliação comparativa entre os diferentes adesivos estudados, com valores de resistência ao arrancamento enquadrados no expectável para adesivos estruturais. Os modelos numéricos reproduziram de forma aceitável os ensaios experimentais.
The technological evolution of materials allowed the design of more robust and lighter materials as well. On the other hand, traditional joining methods (such as welding and bolted joints) have been replaced by more efficient, lower cost and higher mechanical performance joining methods, such as adhesive joints. Since this is an advantageous joining method, it is useful to analyse its behaviour in different materials. Peel tests are widely used to determine the peel strength of adhesive joints, tending to be carried out in flexible adherends of low thickness. For the parameterization of this property, several test methods are used, such as the floating roller peel test, climbing drum peel test, peel tests at 90° and 180°, and T-peel test. However, the suitability of different types of adhesives in this type of tests is still relatively limited, as is their efficient and accurate numerical modelling, necessary to the understanding of the mechanical phenomena of the respective tests. The objective of this work was to study the peel behaviour and failure modes of the structural adhesives Araldite® AV138, Araldite® AW4858, Araldite® 2015 and Sikaforce® 7752 on AW 6082-T651 aluminium adherends, using the roller peel test configuration. For this purpose, the peel strength of each test was calculated, given by the ratio between the tensile load and the width of the joint, which made it possible to compare the performance of the different adhesives under this loading mode. Additionally, a numerical model of the test was developed, including an accurate representation of the numerical test, with the use of rigid rollers to promote the support of the test component, while the flexible end of the test piece is stressed, and established contact conditions suitable for the test. The use of cohesive zone models (CZM) was also considered to model crack propagation in the adhesive layer. It was possible to compare the obtained results with the experimental results and create a basis for modelling and validating the properties obtained from the experimental tests, by comparison with the results of the numerical analysis. Through the floating roller peel test, it was possible to obtain a comparative evaluation between the different adhesives studied, with values of peel strength within the expected range for structural adhesives. The numerical models made it possible to satisfactorily reproduce the experimental tests.
The technological evolution of materials allowed the design of more robust and lighter materials as well. On the other hand, traditional joining methods (such as welding and bolted joints) have been replaced by more efficient, lower cost and higher mechanical performance joining methods, such as adhesive joints. Since this is an advantageous joining method, it is useful to analyse its behaviour in different materials. Peel tests are widely used to determine the peel strength of adhesive joints, tending to be carried out in flexible adherends of low thickness. For the parameterization of this property, several test methods are used, such as the floating roller peel test, climbing drum peel test, peel tests at 90° and 180°, and T-peel test. However, the suitability of different types of adhesives in this type of tests is still relatively limited, as is their efficient and accurate numerical modelling, necessary to the understanding of the mechanical phenomena of the respective tests. The objective of this work was to study the peel behaviour and failure modes of the structural adhesives Araldite® AV138, Araldite® AW4858, Araldite® 2015 and Sikaforce® 7752 on AW 6082-T651 aluminium adherends, using the roller peel test configuration. For this purpose, the peel strength of each test was calculated, given by the ratio between the tensile load and the width of the joint, which made it possible to compare the performance of the different adhesives under this loading mode. Additionally, a numerical model of the test was developed, including an accurate representation of the numerical test, with the use of rigid rollers to promote the support of the test component, while the flexible end of the test piece is stressed, and established contact conditions suitable for the test. The use of cohesive zone models (CZM) was also considered to model crack propagation in the adhesive layer. It was possible to compare the obtained results with the experimental results and create a basis for modelling and validating the properties obtained from the experimental tests, by comparison with the results of the numerical analysis. Through the floating roller peel test, it was possible to obtain a comparative evaluation between the different adhesives studied, with values of peel strength within the expected range for structural adhesives. The numerical models made it possible to satisfactorily reproduce the experimental tests.
Juntas adesivas Ensaios mecânicos Ensaios de arrancamento Floating roller peel test Método de elementos finitos Modelos de dano coesivo Adhesive joints Mechanical tests Peel tests Floating roller peel test Finite Element Method Cohesive zone models