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O chocolate é considerado uma emulsão complexa e um alimento de luxo, que durante o seu consumo provoca estímulos que activam os centros de prazer do cérebro Humano. Tendo em conta a importância deste alimento torna-se necessário estudar e avaliar a melhor forma de melhorar a qualidade do chocolate. Este trabalho teve como objectivo verificar e analisar a qualidade do processo de fabrico da massa de chocolate, no que respeita (i) a rastreabilidade das matérias-primas e do produto acabado e, por outro lado, (ii) determinar e estudar o efeito de alguns parâmetros do processo nas características da massa, através das variáveis viscosidade, tensão de corte, tensão de corte crítica (“yield value”) e granulometria. Estas variáveis foram medidas em massas de chocolate de leite com o nome de formulação CAI e provenientes das duas unidades fabris da empresa (UF1 e UF2). Os parâmetros estudados na UF1 foram a influência das conchas e dos ingredientes. Na UF2 estudou-se a influência dos inutilizados de fabrico e a influência dos inutilizados de fabrico juntamente com o efeito de um ingrediente que foi o açúcar.
Os resultados da viscosidade, tensão de corte e tensão de corte crítica (“yield value”) foram analisados estatisticamente por análise de variância (ANOVA), recorrendo aos testes de Komolgorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk e de Levene para verificar as condições de aplicabilidade desta análise. Os resultados da granulometria como não aderiram a uma distribuição normal foram analisados pelo método não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. Estas análises foram executadas no programa “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” (SPSS).
Pelos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que, para a UF1, a concha afecta a tensão de corte, viscosidade e a tensão de corte crítica do chocolate produzido, na medida em que existem diferenças entre as conchas estudadas. Para esta unidade conclui-se que os ingredientes também influenciam a granulometria da massa. No caso da UF2, conclui-se que a tensão de corte é afectada apenas pelo lote de açúcar, a viscosidade é afectada tanto pelo lote de açúcar como pela presença de inutilizados de fabrico e a tensão de corte crítica não é afectada por nenhum destes efeitos. A granulometria, nesta unidade é afectada pelos lotes de açúcar estudados.
Chocolate is considered a complex emulsion, and a luxury food, which causes their consumption during the stimuli that activate the pleasure centers of the Human brain. Given the importance of food becomes necessary to study and evaluate the best way to improve the quality of chocolate. This work aimed to verify and analyze the quality of manufacturing process of the chocolate mass, in terms of (i) the rastreability of raw materials and the finished product and, on the other hand, (ii) determine and study the effect some process parameters on the characteristics of the mass through variable viscosity, shear stress, the critical shear stress ("yield value") and particle size. These variables were measured in bodies of milk chocolate with the name and formulation CAI from the company's two factories (UF1 and UF2). The parameters studied were the UF1 the influence of the conches and ingredients. At the UF2 studied the influence of unused manufacturing and the influence of reworked chocolate along with the effect of an ingredient was sugar. The results of viscosity, shear stress and critical shear stress ("yield value") were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), using the tests Komolgorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests to check the conditions of applicability this analysis. The results of particle size and did not adhere to a normal distribution were analyzed by using nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis. These tests were performed in the "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences" (SPSS). From the results, we conclude that for UF1, the conche affects the shear stress, viscosity and critical shear stress of the chocolate produced, to the extent that there are differences between the studied conches. To conclude this unit the ingredients also influence the granulometry mass. In the case of UF2, it is concluded that the shear stress is affected only by the lots of sugar, the viscosity is affected both by the lots of sugar as the presence of reworked chocolate and critical shear stress is not affected by any of these effects. The granulometry mass, this unit is affected by lots of sugar studied.
Chocolate is considered a complex emulsion, and a luxury food, which causes their consumption during the stimuli that activate the pleasure centers of the Human brain. Given the importance of food becomes necessary to study and evaluate the best way to improve the quality of chocolate. This work aimed to verify and analyze the quality of manufacturing process of the chocolate mass, in terms of (i) the rastreability of raw materials and the finished product and, on the other hand, (ii) determine and study the effect some process parameters on the characteristics of the mass through variable viscosity, shear stress, the critical shear stress ("yield value") and particle size. These variables were measured in bodies of milk chocolate with the name and formulation CAI from the company's two factories (UF1 and UF2). The parameters studied were the UF1 the influence of the conches and ingredients. At the UF2 studied the influence of unused manufacturing and the influence of reworked chocolate along with the effect of an ingredient was sugar. The results of viscosity, shear stress and critical shear stress ("yield value") were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), using the tests Komolgorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests to check the conditions of applicability this analysis. The results of particle size and did not adhere to a normal distribution were analyzed by using nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis. These tests were performed in the "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences" (SPSS). From the results, we conclude that for UF1, the conche affects the shear stress, viscosity and critical shear stress of the chocolate produced, to the extent that there are differences between the studied conches. To conclude this unit the ingredients also influence the granulometry mass. In the case of UF2, it is concluded that the shear stress is affected only by the lots of sugar, the viscosity is affected both by the lots of sugar as the presence of reworked chocolate and critical shear stress is not affected by any of these effects. The granulometry mass, this unit is affected by lots of sugar studied.
Qualidade alimentar Chocolate ANOVA Testes Kruskal-Wallis Food quality Kruskal-Wallis tests
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto