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Este estudo pretende aferir em que medida é que o relato integrado se apresenta como instrumento contabilístico adequado para divulgar o comportamento socialmente responsável das entidades de economia social (EES), nomeadamente, de uma associação mutualista.
Para o efeito, depois de uma reflexão sobre o conceito e princípios da responsabilidade social da empresa (RSE), da economia social e do enquadramento jurídico das associações mutualistas, procede-se a um estudo empírico, assente numa metodololia qualititiva, através de um estudo de caso de uma associação mutualista.
Estando as EES sujeitas a exigências acrescidas de transparência por parte dos stakeholders, designadamente do Estado, apresenta-se uma proposta de relato integrado que evidencie o comportamento responsável desta organização, traduzindo a prossecução do interesse geral por parte da mesma.
Os resultados deste estudo confirmam a dificuldade de divulgação de informação relativa às vertentes económica, social e ambiental, que integram o conceito triple bottom line da RSE, por nós adotado.
Conclui-se que as dificuldades de divulgação de informação são adequadamente supridas, mediante a elaboração de um relato integrado, assente num conjunto de indicadores que permitem evidenciar o comportamento socialmente responsável da organização.
Nesta conformidade, propomos a adoção futura, com caráter obrigatório, do relato integrado nas EES, como forma de transmitir informação mais dinâmica, atual e concisa, aspeto que se reveste de importância extrema, quer para os membros ou beneficiários, quer para os terceiros que operam com a organização, quer para as entidades públicas.
This study aims to evaluate how the integrated reporting can be considered as the appropriate tool for disclosure of the socially responsible behaviour of the social economy entity (EES), namely, of a mutual association. To this end, after an analysis of the concept and principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the social economy and the legal regime of mutual associations, we proceed with an empirical study, based on qualitative methodology, through a case-study of a mutual association. As far as EES are concerned, they are submitted to an increased transparency demand from the part of the stakeholders, including the State, we leads us to present a proposal for an integrated reporting suitable to show the organization’s social responsible behaviour, as well as to reflect the its prosecution of general interest. From the results that came out of this study, we confirm the difficulty of disclosure on economic, social and environmental aspects, which integrate the triple bottom line concept of CSR, used in this study. We therefore come to the conclusion that the disclosure difficulties are adequately overpassed, through the application of an integrated reporting model, based on a set of indicators which allows the proper appreciation of the socially responsible behaviour. Accordingly, we propose the further adoption, as mandatory, of the integrated reporting in the EES, as a way to transmit more dynamic, current and concise informations, aspects of the highest relevance either for members or beneficiaries, or to the third parties with whom the entities are related, either to public authorities.
This study aims to evaluate how the integrated reporting can be considered as the appropriate tool for disclosure of the socially responsible behaviour of the social economy entity (EES), namely, of a mutual association. To this end, after an analysis of the concept and principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the social economy and the legal regime of mutual associations, we proceed with an empirical study, based on qualitative methodology, through a case-study of a mutual association. As far as EES are concerned, they are submitted to an increased transparency demand from the part of the stakeholders, including the State, we leads us to present a proposal for an integrated reporting suitable to show the organization’s social responsible behaviour, as well as to reflect the its prosecution of general interest. From the results that came out of this study, we confirm the difficulty of disclosure on economic, social and environmental aspects, which integrate the triple bottom line concept of CSR, used in this study. We therefore come to the conclusion that the disclosure difficulties are adequately overpassed, through the application of an integrated reporting model, based on a set of indicators which allows the proper appreciation of the socially responsible behaviour. Accordingly, we propose the further adoption, as mandatory, of the integrated reporting in the EES, as a way to transmit more dynamic, current and concise informations, aspects of the highest relevance either for members or beneficiaries, or to the third parties with whom the entities are related, either to public authorities.
Dissertação de Mestrado
apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira e de Doutora Deolinda Aparício Meira
Nota: 18 valores
Nota: 18 valores
Responsabilidade social Transparência Economia social Associação Mutualista Relato integrado Interesse geral Corporate social responsibility Transparency Social economy General interest Mutual Association Integrated reporting
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto