Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/8902
Título: A biomechanical perspective for the kinematic analysis of robot manipulators
Autor: Carvalho, Alexandra M. S. F.
Machado, J. A. Tenreiro
Palavras-chave: Robotics
Data: 2000
Editora: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A.
Resumo: Mechanical manipulators are described through mathematical models based on the formalisms of the classical physics. The kinematic and dynamic models aloww the study of the phenomena involved , but ar complex to tackle at a design stage. as a consequence, present day robotic structures have porr performances when compared with the human arm. In fact, joint-driven manipulators ar not efficient tasks. Muscle-actuated arms are superior because the anatomic levers adapt the manipulating exigencies to the driving actuators, the kinematic analysis of these systems highlights its main properties and constitutes a step towards the design of new mechanical biological-like robotic structures.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/8902
Aparece nas colecções:ISEP - DEE - Artigos

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