Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/17306
Título: Adult learners and entry to higher education
Outros títulos: motivation, prior experience and entry requirements
Autor: Griffiths, Vivienne
Kaldi, Stavroula
Oliveira Pires, Ana Luisa
Palavras-chave: Adult learning
Higher education
Prior experience
Data: 2009
Editora: Unidade de Investigação Educação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de lisboa
Resumo: In this paper preliminary findings are presented from exploratory studies in Portugal, Greece and England, within the context of widening participation in higher education. The focus of the enquiry is to investigate the personal and professional identities of adult learners entering or re-entering higher education, to highlight their characteristics and learning needs and identify key factors affecting their entry and progress in education related and other courses. Quantitative and qualitative data are presented and discussed on mature students' prior experience, motivation and application process in two university departments of education and one college of education of a polytechnic institution. Mature women students predominated in all three institutions. All the adult learners were highly motivated to enter or return to higher education and had considerable prior experience, especially in the areas chosen to study. However, the very different application procedures in the three countries, including quotas for mature student entry in Portugal and Greece, led to differing opportunities for adult learners. The writers conclude that considerable progress still needs to be made to improve access for mature entrants to higher education.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/17306
ISSN: 1645-1775
Versão do Editor: http://www.uied.fct.unl.pt/sites/www.uied.fct.unl.pt/files/Livros%20UIED/anais9.pdf
Aparece nas colecções:IPS - ESE - DCSP - Artigos científicos

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