Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/18427
Título: Surgical approach of a dentigerous cyst in regard to a clinical case
Autor: Fernandes, Nicholas Andrew
Mendes, José João
Silva, Nuno
Correia, Diana
Montezuma, Nuno
Troles, Tiago
Palavras-chave: Dentigerous cyst
Dental inclusion
Complementary diagnostic exams
Data: 2014
Editora: Quintessence
Citação: Fernandes NA., Mendes, J., Silva, N., Correia, D., Montezuma, N., Troles, T. (2014) Surgical approach of a dentigerous cyst in regard to a clinical case. Int Poster J Dent Oral Med, 16(Supplement 23 OMD/PDA): poster 831
Resumo: A 54-year-old, came to the Dental Service at the Armed Forces Hospital, complaining of pain and discomfort with the use of prosthesis. After clinical examination was requested was requested one Orthopantomography. With this complementary diagnostic exam was found the inclusion of teeth # 44 and # 45 and a radiolucent lesion involving the # 48 tooth of approximately 3cm, well-defined, unilocular, compatible with a cystic lesion. After surgical treatment, the histological diagnosis was dentigerous cyst. The dentigerous cyst is formed from the accumulation of fluid between the the reduced enamel epithelium and the crown of an unrupted tooth. It is the second most common type of odontogenic cyst with an occurrence of about 24% compared to all maxillary and mandibular cysts. It is seen more frequently associated with mandibular third molars, maxillary canines and maxillary third molars. It appear mostly as unilateral cysts, unilocular and asymptomatic episodes of acute pain occurring when there is secondary infection. Complementary exams for diagnosis are important both for planning issues either for reasons of identification of potential clinical and pathological situations adjacent to the reason for patient consultation. Our patient complained of pain at the level of pre-molars, because the prosthesis was traumatizing the inclusion zone. After request of panoramic radiography was found a suggestive radiological image of a dentigerous cyst, assymptomatic, but with considerable dimensions.
Descrição: Poster apresentado no XXIII Congresso da Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas. Porto, 6-8 de Novembro de 2014
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/18427
ISSN: 1612-7749
Aparece nas colecções:EM - Posters

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