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A planta do trigo possui uma relativa tolerância à deficiência hídrica quando comparada a outras culturas, mas a produção do trigo aumenta consideravelmente quando recebe rega complementar à precipitação, especialmente em zonas de clima mediterrânico. Por outro lado, a aplicação fracionada da fertilização azotada ao longo do ciclo vegetativo da cultura tem sido a abordagem usual para redução de perdas de N por lixiviação e aumento da eficiência do uso do azoto.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Estação Nacional de Melhoramento de Plantas, em Elvas durante o ano agrícola 2017/2018 e teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos da fertilização azotada e da rega na produção e na qualidade da variedade de trigo melhorador ‘’Antequera’’.
Foram testados 8 níveis de fertilização (utilizando adubos clássicos e de libertação controlada e com diferentes fracionamentos ao longo do ciclo), em duas situações hídricas (sequeiro e com rega após o espigamento). Em cada parcela foram observadas e analisadas caraterísticas fenológicas, morfológicas e de produção e seus componentes, bem como parâmetros relacionados com a qualidade tecnológica do grão (proteína, força e tenacidade da massa e humidade). As diferentes modalidades de fertilização não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto à generalidade dos parâmetros estudados. Apenas a proteína e a força da massa, parâmetros de grande importância na qualidade industrial do trigo, foram beneficiadas com as aplicações tardias de azoto (na fase de emborrachamento).
Não se verificou efeito significativo da interação fertilização x rega para as variáveis em que foi efetuada a análise de variância.
A rega conduziu a, significativamente, maior produção de grão (2247 kg/ha em sequeiro e 4873kg/ha com rega), aumento do número de grãos por m2, aumento do peso do grão, aumento da massa do hectolitro e aumento da força da massa.
The wheat plant has a relative tolerance to water deficiency when compared to other crops, but wheat production increases considerably when it receives complementary irrigation to precipitation, especially in areas with a Mediterranean climate. On the other hand, the fractional application of nitrogen fertilization throughout the crop cycle has been the usual approach to reduce losses of N by leaching and increase the efficiency of nitrogen use. This work was developed at the Elvas Plant Improvement Station during the agricultural year 2017/2018 and the objective of this work was to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization and irrigation on the production and quality of the ‘’Antequera’’ wheat variety. Eight fertilization levels were tested (using classical and controlled release fertilizers and with different fractions during the cycle), in two water situations (rainfed and irrigation after the peep). Phenological, morphological and production characteristics and their components, as well as parameters related to grain technological quality (protein, strength and toughness of the mass and moisture) were observed and analyzed in each plot. The different fertilization modalities did not present statistically significant differences regarding the generality of the studied parameters. Only protein and mass strength, parameters of great importance in the industrial quality of wheat, were benefited by late applications of nitrogen (in the rubber phase).There was no significant effect of the fertilization x irrigation interaction for the variables in which the analysis of variance was performed. Irrigation resulted in significantly higher grain yield (2247 kg / ha in dry conditions and 4873 kg / ha with irrigation), increase in the number of grains per m2, increase in grain weight, increase of hectoliter mass and increase mass strength. Key words:
The wheat plant has a relative tolerance to water deficiency when compared to other crops, but wheat production increases considerably when it receives complementary irrigation to precipitation, especially in areas with a Mediterranean climate. On the other hand, the fractional application of nitrogen fertilization throughout the crop cycle has been the usual approach to reduce losses of N by leaching and increase the efficiency of nitrogen use. This work was developed at the Elvas Plant Improvement Station during the agricultural year 2017/2018 and the objective of this work was to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization and irrigation on the production and quality of the ‘’Antequera’’ wheat variety. Eight fertilization levels were tested (using classical and controlled release fertilizers and with different fractions during the cycle), in two water situations (rainfed and irrigation after the peep). Phenological, morphological and production characteristics and their components, as well as parameters related to grain technological quality (protein, strength and toughness of the mass and moisture) were observed and analyzed in each plot. The different fertilization modalities did not present statistically significant differences regarding the generality of the studied parameters. Only protein and mass strength, parameters of great importance in the industrial quality of wheat, were benefited by late applications of nitrogen (in the rubber phase).There was no significant effect of the fertilization x irrigation interaction for the variables in which the analysis of variance was performed. Irrigation resulted in significantly higher grain yield (2247 kg / ha in dry conditions and 4873 kg / ha with irrigation), increase in the number of grains per m2, increase in grain weight, increase of hectoliter mass and increase mass strength. Key words:
Trigo-Mole Antequera adubos clássicos adubos de libertação controlada regas suplementares Bread wheat classical fertilizers controlled release fertilizers supplementary irrigation