Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/31741
Título: Nurse-led interventions for promoting self-management in oncological patients: A systematic review
Autor: Encarnação, Rúben Miguel
Lima, Ligia
Bastos, Celeste
Santos, Célia
Palavras-chave: Cancer
Nurse Led- Interventions
Data: Nov-2018
Editora: Ediciones ROL
Citação: Câmara Encarnação RM, Monteiro Lima LM, Bastos Martins de Almeida MC, Vilaça de Brito Santos CS. Nurse-led interventions for promoting self-management in oncological patients. Suplemento Digital Rev ROL Enferm 2018; 41(11-12)
Resumo: Worldwide statistics evidence the increasing number and prevalence of diagnosed chronic diseases such as cancer. Cancer is a chronic condition with uncertain outcomes in what concerns to its cure. Thus, it is crucial that patients develop the right skills to deal with the disease and its profound impact on their activities of daily living. This review aims to identify and critically appraise studies based on the e<ciency of nurse-led programmes focused on psychosocial support provided to empower the self-management of adult oncology patients. The research of corpus studies was carried out in the databases of MEDLINE and CINAHL, in the period of January 2017. In compliance with the validation criteria, 22 primary studies were selected and analysed. The results revealed that nurse-led interventions comprised self-management skills aimed to improve symptoms management, self-care activities, health behaviours, social and therapeutic relationships, stress/ anxiety management and problem solving. Nursing interventions were implemented individually and/or in a group, applying di=erent methodologies: written material (lea>ets, pamphlets, books, manuals, brochures and/or >yers), peer support groups, interactive platforms and telephone calls. Interventions were e=ective in promoting symptoms management, self-care life and interpersonal relations. Conclusion: Nurses play a key role in providing interventions, health behaviour, stress/ anxiety management, psychosocial adaptation, quality of focused on psychosocial support that help people to cope/live with cancer, and promote self-management programmes.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/31741
ISSN: 0210-5020
Versão do Editor: https://e-rol.es/producto/suplemento-noviembre-2018/
Aparece nas colecções:ESEP - Artigos e Conference Proceedings

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