Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/49676
Título: Multi-objective optimization of pressure sensor location for burst detection and network calibration
Autor: Ferreira, Bruno
Antunes, André
Carriço, Nelson
Covas, Dídia
Data: 2022
Citação: Bruno Ferreira, André Antunes,Ferreira, B., Antunes, A., Carriço, N., & Covas, D. (2022).Multi-objective optimization of pressure sensor location for burst detection and network calibration. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 162, 107826,
Resumo: This paper proposes a methodology to determine the optimal location of pressure sensors for the simul- taneous calibration of the hydraulic network model and the detection of pipe bursts. The methodology considers a search space reduction process and aims at maximizing nodal pressure sensitivities to both pipe roughness coefficients and pipe burst sizes. A multi-objective optimization problem is formulated for a given number of sensors and multiple optimal configurations of pressure sensors are obtained. Three different optimal configurations are selected and compared: one solution that individually maximizes each objective function (two solutions) and one trade-off solution. The methodology is applied to a real water distribution network with hourly consumption data. Results demonstrate that (i) the optimal loca- tion of pressure sensors hardly changes with the perturbation values used to numerically compute the sensitivities and (ii) minor differences can be found in the performance of pipe roughness calibration and pipe burst location by using either a solution that individually maximizes each objective function or the trade-off solution considering the high number of pressure sensors (26) and the oversized pipe diameters to comply with firefighting conditions, being pressure less sensitive to friction and flow rate changes.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/49676
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2022.107826
ISSN: 0098-1354
Aparece nas colecções:IPS - ESTB - SEG - Artigos científicos

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