Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/6908
Título: Effects of Natural Habitat and Season on Cursorial Spider Assemblages in Mediterranean Vineyards
Autor: Ganem Coutinho, André
Ferrante, Marco
Lubin, Yael
Armiach Steinpress, Igor
Gish, Moshe
Sharon, Rakefet
Harari, Ally R.
Keasar, Tamar
Gavish-regev, Efrat
Palavras-chave: Agroecosystem
Species Composition
Data: 25-Set-2023
Editora: MDPI
Citação: Ganem, Z., Ferrante, M., Lubin, Y., Armiach Steinpress, I., Gish, M., Sharon, R., Harari, A. R., Keasar, T., & Gavish-Regev, E. (2023). Effects of natural habitat and season on cursorial spider assemblages in Mediterranean vineyards. "Insects", 14(10), 782. DOI:10.3390/insects14100782
Resumo: ABSTRACT: Spiders are potential natural enemies of insect pests in many crops, and their species composition in the crop may be influenced by nearby natural habitats. Here, we examined the effects of the habitat type (different sampling positions within the vineyard and in the nearby natural habitat) on spider assemblages in vineyards. Spider species richness, assemblage composition, and diversity were evaluated by means of pitfall traps in early and late summer, in three commercial vineyards and their adjacent natural habitats in a Mediterranean landscape in northern Israel. We collected 688 spiders, belonging to 25 families and 61 species and morphospecies. Spider richness differed in the two seasons; more species were documented in early summer (47) than in late summer (33). The natural habitat had the highest species richness, with 34 species, while three vineyard positions were inhabited by only 27–31 species each. The natural habitat assemblage differed from the vineyard assemblages, with 15 species that were found only in the natural habitat, yet 11 species were shared by both the natural habitat and all vineyard positions. Both season (early vs. late in the cropping season) and the habitat (vineyard vs. natural) affected the spider assemblage composition. The study documents the large diversity of spiders in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem. The information that we provide here is critical in assessing the potential for conservation biocontrol, where natural habitats may be a source of natural enemies for nearby vineyards.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/6908
DOI: 10.3390/insects14100782
Aparece nas colecções:GBA - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais / Articles in International Journals

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