Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/17356
Título: The effects of macroeconomic, fiscal and monetary policy announcements on sovereign bond spreads : an event Study from the EMU
Autor: Afonso, António
Jalles, João Tovar
Kazemi, Mina
Palavras-chave: sovereign yields
fiscal policy
monetary policy
event analysis
panel data
Data: Fev-2019
Editora: ISEG - REM - Research in Economics and Mathematics
Citação: Afonso, António, João Tovar Jalles e Mina Kazemi (2019). "The effects of macroeconomic, fiscal and monetary policy announcements on sovereign bond spreads : an event Study from the EMU". Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – REM Working paper nº 067 - 2019
Relatório da Série N.º: REM Working paper;nº 067 - 2019
Resumo: We assess the impact of announcements corresponding to different fiscal and monetary policy measures on the 10-year sovereign bond yield spreads (relative to Germany) of the 10 EMU countries during the period 01:1999 - 07:2016. Implementing pooled and country-fixed effects OLS regressions, we find that the European Commission’s (EC) releases of the excessive deficit procedure significantly affect the yield spreads. The EC releases of higher debt and better budget balance forecasts contribute to the rise and the decline of spreads, respectively. Moreover, we find that the announcements of the ECB’s key interest rates together with the longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) and the first covered bond purchase programme (CBPP1) negatively affect sovereign yield spreads in our sample of EMU countries.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/17356
ISSN: 2184-108X
Versão do Editor: https://rem.rc.iseg.ulisboa.pt/wps/
Aparece nas colecções:REM - REM Working Papers Series

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